Pangrango is the second highest mountain in West Java : WaMod

List of the highest mountains in West Java

Who doesn’t know the beauty  of the mountains in West Java? His beauty will really amaze people. Therefore, West Java is one of the provinces of Indonesia. The contours of the soil in this area were very high compared to many provinces on the island of Java.

Due to the presence of many mountains, it is not surprising that up to this moment many people choose West Java as a holiday destination. The plateau in this province is at an altitude of about 1000-2000 meters above sea level.

Apart from being high, natural beauty is one of the things that has been highlighted.  No wonder many climbers make the mountains in West Java one of their destinations.

West Java actually has many mountains, but some of you may be curious about where the highest plateau is. Perhaps there are so many types of it, so don’t understand it correctly. Needless to worry, here are some names of the highest mountains in the West Java region.

Mount Shremai in West Java is the highest

The first highest mountain is Shremai. So Shremai is in Kuningan, Syreban and Majalenga. The height of Siramai can reach a height of 3,078 meters above sea level and is one of the active volcanoes. The peak is on the lip of the groove, where it is very soft and wide.

For climbers, they can officially use four trekking trails. Each of them certainly has its own difficulties and facilities. There are many beauties that Ciremai offers. Starting from the scenery to the beautiful environment.

Well, mountaineers need to understand, it’s very difficult to use the route that’s easy to use. Then don’t let there be a risk, because you don’t know the terrain you’re using properly. Therefore, sirmai’s most famous road is baba tere climbing and one of the most unique mountain climbs on the island of Java.

Shremai is indeed the highest mountain in West Java and has actually taken the top spot.  As one of the highest mountains, it turns out that you can see the Edelweiss flowers when you are at the top of Sirmai. Of course this makes Sirmai even more beautiful.

In addition to Edelweiss, there are also a variety of historical sites for Indonesia at the foot of the mountain. Even during the colonial period of Belanda, it was revealed that the Lingarjati negotiating building was at the foothills of Siremai. It further enhances the attraction of visitors who are curious about the beauty of Sirmai in West Java.

Pangrango is the second highest mountain in West Java

The next plateau found in West Java is Pangrango. Therefore, Pangrango is at an altitude of about 3,019 meters above sea level and you can find it through the Boger, Sukhabhumi and Siyanjur routes.

It turns out that Bangrango Gede is included in the Pangrango National Park area and is actually preserved. There is the Mandalwangi Valley, which has always been a destination for tourists. In this valley you will find the beautiful expanse of Edelweiss.

Being a tourist destination officially declared in 1980, Pangrango is frequently visited by tourists, especially trekkers. Although many wanted to climb, the first person to step on to the top of Pangrango was not an Indonesian, but rather a German, the CGC. It turns out that Reinward or Bogar was the founder of the Botanical Garden in 1819.

In 1977, Pangrango was successfully designated as a biophysical archive by UNESCO, making its name very widely known by tourists. Many trekkers love to see the beauty of the Mandawalangi Valley and the Edelweiss on this one plateau. It turns out that Pangrango was able to steal the attention of many visitors, including  being part of West Java’s highest mountain  and taking the second place.

Many outside of Java think that Pangrango and Gede are becoming a part of it, and while this is not correct, they are located opposite each other. Pangrango is much higher compared to Mount Khede. But it is often considered a name because the place is so close.

Mount Kedı consists of the solar Kenkana Square

Well, as mentioned earlier there is Mount Gede. So this plateau is still located in the Khede – Bangrango National Park area. The mountain is located at an altitude of about 2,958 meters above sea level opposite Pangrango.

There are many interesting things on the Kede Plateau, where there are many grooves that are still active. Wadan Crater, Lanang Crater, Rathu Crater and New Crater are the craters. Well, there’s an interesting place that always steals the attention of visitors when it comes to Mount Gede, namely the solar Kenkana Square.

Don’t imagine that Surya Kenkana Square will look just like it is in some big cities or districts. In this square, you will still be surprised by the sight of the Edelweiss trees, where there are a lot of them. But, even so, mountaineers are advised not to take it and Edelweiss, because this too is protected.

In addition to the many extensions of the Edelweiss on the mountain in West Java, the solar Kenkana Square  is often also used as a camping place for trekkers  so you can enjoy the expansion of Edelweiss and feel the feeling of staying in a beautiful place.

Because it is one of the areas of Kunung Khede Pangrango National Park, so there are a lot of fauna in the places where it is actually protected. For example, Javan Gibbon, Lutung Surili, Leopard, Peul Slentek and others. So the beauty  of the mountain in West Java  is still well preserved.

See Mount Sikure at the rise of west Java exotic sunrise

There is also Mount Chikure at an altitude of 2,821 metres above sea level. This plateau has locations in Sikajang, Payongpong and Daeyu Mangung districts. The shape of the sigure is completely conical in shape and passive. When it’s at the top, you can know that the area is flat and not too big. But  Jangawas worried about me as there was a wake-up post.

Many mountaineers  have also come to Chikure to enjoy the  sunrise. Many mountaineers say that the view of sunrise in this one place is actually very beautiful compared to besan at the top of the Papadian. But the beauty isn’t exactly right, because the top of the cigure is so dirty.

Chikure is the fourth list  of the highest mountains in West Java, but unfortunately, the peak is actually dirty because it’s less responsible because of the vandalism from mountaineers. There are many characters you can find when you’re at the top of the Sikure Plateau   .

If you want to make a hike, you can go through the Ciledug route which is very safe and authoritative. Coming from Bhandung, it is very easy to travel using public transport. You can continue the city traffic to get the climbing gate.

Nevertheless, as a trekker, it is strongly recommended not to indulge in vandalism or littering. It is very good that you maintain the beauty of Sikure by enjoying the scenery alone.

As one of the provinces with highlands, it is not surprising that there are a lot of mountains in West Java. Some of them have a beautiful charm that moves to reach out to tourists.

In fact, there are also tourists outside the province where some of them want to enjoy the beauty of West Java.  You can also try to visit one of the mountains in West Java and feel the beauty of its beauty.

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